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Flamigo Flocking!

We are gearing up for a Spectacular Spring Crew Season and the Flamingos are ready to Fly! The Spring Crew Flamingo Fundraiser has been run by the teams in the past and has brought in thousands of dollars to help support the operations of the team.


Flamingo flocking is where a ‘boat’ of flamingos is mysteriously delivered! You may have seen these show up in your neighborhood over the years! Eight adorable flamingos led by a coxswain are placed in the yard of someone who has been ‘flocked’. People send them for birthdays, proms, graduations, as a thank you, special occasions, or just for fun!


The flocking campaign begins in the first week of April and runs through the end of the school year.


To order your flock for $40, please contact The Flamingo Team at 

Be sure to include Who to Flock and Where to Flock. 

Cash or checks payable to FOGRI, PO Box 552, South Glastonbury, CT 06073, or 
Venmo at @FOGRI-Crew


For any questions, contact Katherine at 860-833-5002 or Savitha at 312-810-5349. 


Thank you! 
The Glastonbury Flamingo Crew

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